Friday, June 22, 2012

Hello Kitty

I just feel that kids nowadays are too 好命!No wonder most of the family choose to have only one kid or the most also TWO! They told me they want to give the best to their child. No wonder our school pupils' rate getting less. A 3 years old little girl deserved a Hello Kitty cake from her parents !! Remember in my age, I had nothing. Hahahaha, this not resembled that I had a bad parents but then just that in my age having a great birthday cake is not a trend yet ^^

Left the whiskers! I forgot to take picture again after I placed it ︿︿

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mille Crepe

I spent whole day in my kitchen. Frankly I never eat Mille Crepe, I never see it in real, I never bake it as well. I wana try this long long time ago just that I can't move without motive. So, father's day.. I decide to make this. End up 6 hours to complete it! And here are some photo to share with you :) Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Lazy Wife

离开这部落格已经很久很久了。觉得自己越来越懒惰啦!放工回来就是睡,要不然就无所事事呆在电脑前。 很少回到丈夫公司给帮忙。总觉得丈夫的事业就让他自己去搞定,我从不插手。 今天,已是假期的第12天了,就快要开学了。回想起,去了那么多的地方,真的很懒惰在这儿update.自己的冲劲也没以往般强了。自己有什么改变?有!我胖了,我的体重尽然在3个月内飙升5公斤!5公斤?要怎样才能消除啊? 好,开始咯! 请问如果吃了这些食物,可以不胖吗?


而这就是近期的我 ;)