Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Malay Massage

I knew this sweet Malay lady tru one of my friend. Friend told that she is a very good in Malay Traditional Urut.
I start with her before CNY, and today is the fourth time I called her to my house. For what I had experience from the massaging and so called URUT, she is really good in experience. She start to learn this when she was 18 years old and now, she is 50+. Just count how many years she works in this field.
She is with me in every Wednesday's night. From head to toe, front to back... What a relaxing massage =)

These are all steps she did to me ^^ She always focus on my abdomen and 子宫 =)

*Photo adapted from google search engine


Genie (honeybee916) said...

oh really? in TI or KL?
can intro please?

aLeXis FeLiciA said...

Oh, is at my hometown, TI =) Where are u from? If you are from TI, I can give u her contact number =)

Genie (honeybee916) said...

i'm from TI also...but seldom go home loo...will need to find one in KL...go to those massage parlour either dirty or expensive...pengsan

aLeXis FeLiciA said...

Yeah, hell expensive if you want the comfortable and clean environment. This massage malay aunty come to our house, so is much easier ;)