Saturday, December 19, 2009

PDI Lovers

For me I love to shop at PDI Concept Store! Especially Vincci shoe department. Err, I am a Vincci shoe lover :P
How about you? I need to survey for the guys and gals who stay at Teluk Intan. I need to know your respond =)

Keke, got interested to know about the market if PDI available at TI ;P *kepo*

Who knows, maybe one day PDI store is available at TI right? Since now we have Mcd, Oldtown, Secret Recipe & etc !!!

Please VOTE it if you are a TI guys or gals :p


* Photo upload from google search engine *


raine said...

I'm padini & vincci's NO1 fans I tell you. Support!

aLeXis FeLiciA said...

me too, so 2 votes here !!! TQ

Puff said...

Me too. Huhu~

aLeXis FeLiciA said...

hoho, come back dy huh :P

Puff said...

Wah. How you know I go out de? lol

aLeXis FeLiciA said...

hahaha, I WILL FOLLOW U !!!!