Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Try To Conceive - TTC

Elders around me like start to nagging me about this question and everyone around me do like to ask me this question which is: hey, pregnant dy? or " hey why still dun wan to get pregnant? Still under protection?" Wargh !
We are married for 7 months dy. Still no news yet? Yeap, no news! Why? Frankly, we ttc start from month of Mac 2010. So only 3 months we tried =) Due to my irregular period, sometime really hard for me to predict when is my ovulation date. I did bought ovulation test and ask for some experienced mummy and they are very kind in helping me and answering my questions. Still remember on last month, which is my second month of ttc, I have my missed period though but there is a negative line in test kit and finally menses came on day 37. Frankly, a bit disappointed. HUS did console me in the proper way and say we try again on next month. Me, a person who quite out of patient and I am so stress on this matter recently. Well, again on this month... I have my period due for almost 2 weeks. As I say I have my irregular period *my record is missed for almost 80 days :P *,
so now TO TEST OR NOT TO TEST ? =)


Purple de Cloud said...

sure wan to test! :P
dun miss any chance mah~
dun give urself too much pressure,jz take it easy,then 好孕会到^^
Wish u luck ya!

aLeXis FeLiciA said...

hehe, thanks for your words ;)
I have my irregular period so very hard for me to confirm whether i am preg or not de... pass two months the test kit always showed me negative so now i also feel a bit like... dunno how to describe ;P
anyway, u preg for third now? ;)

Purple de Cloud said...

u r welcome~
try to request frm doctor how to "make"ur period becum normal :P
mayb ur bb want to let u both enjoy the "2 ppl world" 1st^^dun worry~
yaya...want to be "pig" again~haha

aLeXis FeLiciA said...

hahahahahaha, "make" it come ah! anyway thanks for your concern =) Congratulations to you leh! how many months dy?

Purple de Cloud said...

thx thx ~
nw gt 4 mths + lor~

Unknown said...

For I certainly agreed when u're in pressure or in stress it's very hard to have baby.. relax be happy.. Child is coming along the way one day.. =D

one thing for sure is when desperately looking for it, IT wont come... when u're not ready n prepare.. it will come for u... =D

aLeXis FeLiciA said...

Yea I got it ;) Thanks for your advice ;)