Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Body Fat Scale

*Picture dl from google search engine*

My lovely colleague bring me the weight scale this morning. What so special about her scale? Kakaka... Sua gu first time to see this advance scale... Actually I not really understand why the scale able to calculate our fat, BMI, muscle and everything.... Not really trust it :P
Well I weight after breakfast, almost 1000ml of water... Here's da result :

.Body weight - 50.8kg
・Visceral fat level - 2
・Body fat % - 29
・Skeletal muscle % - 28 *My skeletal muscle percentage should have 5:1 ratio with body fat, which mean I need to reduce more oily food !!!*
・Body age - 28 *which I only 27 la !!!*
・Body Mass index(BMI) *21 which is just normal... cannot more than 25 if not mistaken*


Erica said...

the measurement is not 100% accurate,but we also can use it as reference,at least we know our body fat level,BMI,etc approximately..
I measure it last year, my body age 18 yrs old, i also dun believe...haha..

aLeXis FeLiciA said...

hahahahahaaha! I also wonder why I so old de... cause I yao not sad everyday, easy moody de wo... huhuhuh