Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Special Breakfast

Girl normally who in age above 25... Their skin, body or whatever will start to change IF we do not handle it prettily. Frankly I never cook dessert which have 滋润 effect. I will just slurp those nice food at mummy house. But since that I have slow cooker which present by cousin, I think I should start to move it out and function it. Keke, of course mummy will prepare whatever I request for and today I came back with 雪蛤... Mummy taught me this way : "Throw all the things that I give you into the pot and boil it until tomorrow!" Wakakaka, early morning when I step out from my room, the smell of 雪蛤 really melt my heart =)

Dang dang... I will cook more and more dessert in coming day yo! Errr... 腐竹薏米,燕窝泡渗,龙眼罗汉果,雪蛤 of course... what else??? Beside this, I will boil also those can help in blood circulation function yo as my face look pale ya! That one will be 红枣"Gei Ji" *dunno mandarin :P* and 东归蜜枣 yo!
Hopefully I ABLE to make it yo! ;)

Here's da breakfast for today =) Different set yo!

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