Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year!

Today is new year eve, everyone is busy to figure out where's da nice place for them to countdown... but not me ;) Husband recently very *triple* busy to prepare his new shop lot, going to move to the 2 *double storey* new shop with his partner soon !! Congratulations to them !

I have a great year 2010. Why?

* I have a great relationship with my husband.
* We went to Bangkok, Thailand, Singapore and Taiwan.
* We spend all our time meaningful.
* I have 3 friends who got their own bb in tiger's year !!
* I have my confirm job.
* I had been selected to become a State MC.
* I have my increasing soon salary!
* Husband partner's business is rolling and rolling to the bigger one!
* And... I sure I will have a greatest year 2011 !!!!

I have a great year 2010 and I hope everyone do =)
Happy New Year to all of you !!!!


Vvin said...

Where is your rabbit bb?

aLeXis FeLiciA said...

my rabbit bb? apa lu cakap? :P