The Wife In Da House
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
How to say NO?
Argh my princess Justine is only 24 weeks in my worm and I am already starting to hunt for her dress!!! I need a bigger cupboard Justine's Daddy !!!
We are officially 24 weeks
Time flies and I can't believe that I am already in week 24. Another 4 more months to go before the arriving of my little princess.I should glad that most of my weight goes to my little one and my current appearance not much different if compare with "before pregnant". Thanks god that I am still look good in week 24 ;)
I am always proud with my round belly which most of them say: "不像女肚,很斯文" *devil laugh* :D
The comparison in week 20 and 24 ;)

Besides, I am also glad that I am yet to have stretch mark! Stretch mark is something which make me fear of it! Please don't come in the rest of the month *pray hard* I think it related to my husband hard work as well. Since 12 weeks of my pregnancy, he applied Bio Oil for me without missed for every night !!!! From my back until my legs, from my breast until my belly. He massage for me to release my tiredness! And that's why i am not willing to let the time to pass so fast. Just because I always say I have been served like a king! Hahahaha!

Besides, I am also glad that I am yet to have stretch mark! Stretch mark is something which make me fear of it! Please don't come in the rest of the month *pray hard* I think it related to my husband hard work as well. Since 12 weeks of my pregnancy, he applied Bio Oil for me without missed for every night !!!! From my back until my legs, from my breast until my belly. He massage for me to release my tiredness! And that's why i am not willing to let the time to pass so fast. Just because I always say I have been served like a king! Hahahaha!
Friday, February 8, 2013
We are 20 weeks
Since conceived, meet with doctor to scan for my dereast is the day I always waiting for. We are officially 20weeks today. Everything goes well. We did detail scan this morning to check for Justine's brain development, heart shape, bone, frm fingers to toes and etc. Thanks god, my Justine is healthy ^^ Justine? Yes husband named her precious daughter as Justine. Everyone around me keep questioning why named Justine as this is more to boy's name which in Justin? We just smile and let the question by passed us :D We knew baby gender on week 14 and we are so excited and super happy to hav a Girl! We shopping like crazy to look for pink items and girl girl's rompers. Today dr. 100% confirmed us she is a girl!!! So not wasted to buy so much pink item for her ^*^ Yes, we love girl so so much! Husband even told how good if next baby is a girl again. :D The main purpose is we can doll her up! :) Here to share my Justine 3D picture @20weeks.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Start Guessing at Week 17
Friends and relatives around me start asking me the same question. Baby Boy or Girl?
Yeah, I think everyone around us start guessing our bb's gender!
Well, from the 清宫图they read, we will have BOY. From the shape of my tummy, they guess we will have BOY too!!! From the structure of our 3D scanning at week 13, older say we will have BOY!!! From the shape of the early BEANS at week 6, they say we will have BOY too !!!! No one guessing we will have GIRL except bb's daddy !!! Daddy want girl so soooooo much and he will never giving any respond when people around him guessing we will have BOY. How funny he is!
Daddy trust his 6 sense! Daddy is greedy as he want one more GIRL who belong to him! Daddy say GIRL is cute and I can always doll her up as I can tie up nice hair for little girl! Last but not least, daddy knows I will 偏心 if I have GIRL !!! Hahaha! Yes, we want GIRL so so much and the result will confirm in another 2 weeks when I am in week 20.
Everything goes smoothly and finally I have no nausea and I able to have proper meal now. Before preg, I was in 54kg. The weight drop until 50kg in the first 3 months and now finally, my weight goes up 2kg when I am in 17 weeks but still under my actual weight. I am wonder is it a normal weight? Some experienced mummy told me that their weight jump up 5kg when they was in 17 weeks.
Ok, we start our CNY shopping after resting for 4 months! Kevin finally jumped out from the jail and we step in KL again =D Too bad, I only able to walk 3 hours and I need to rest down so so much !! Can't believe that, we only able to bring back 2 packs after few hours of shopping...
Thursday, December 13, 2012
I thanks a lot to my supportive family! Mummy cooked and prepared food for me everyday and fetch me to their house everyday every morning and fetch me back every night if husband not free to fetch me up!
Thanks a lot my DH!!!! He worked til very late but once he came back, he need to comfort me and accompany me! He is very supportive !!! I have no word to describe how nice is him!
Thanks a lot Siew Wern and Rachel for their ears! Listen to my complain day and night!
I am feeling better and better. I should say hormone changes is so DAHSYAT!!!! I hate the smell of the oily food, I don't like people around me make noise! My mum say I just like a king right now.
Each time when I feel not comfortable, I will try to touch my little baby bump and the little one cheers me up! I keep telling bb that must JIA YOU to grow up! Mami will Jia You too !!!
13 weeks us, a little small baby bump seen ^^ 28 Dec 2012, we will know bb's gender. Mami hopes to get boy, Daddy hopes to get girl... So, boy or girl? Hehe =D As what I always say, we want a healthy baby, gender is not important =)
I bought yellow!!!! =D BB's rompers!!! =D
Monday, December 10, 2012
My Blog Gonna Expired And Here Come With Good News
I think I leave my blog almost few months already and why I didn't update my blog? Here the reason!
Yes, I am pregnant, we are 13 weeks right now and everything is good!
Where should I start to blog?
Maybe pregnancy test kit. Here show you a very kiasu picture of my pregnancy test kit! I used total of 12 to test my positive pregnancy ^^
My story begin like this...
I had my last menses on 10 Sep 2012, I detected that I am ovulated on 24 Sept 2012, what's came weird was, I got some spotting on day 6 after my ovulation day. I was like errrr, is impossible to have this kind of thing which is never happen in my life. I search thru google like a crazy woman, I keep telling myself don't to trust about implantation bleeding! At last I got the answer after 2 weeks, yes that was my implantation bleeding! I am sure cause I got my positive UPT.
Ok, after positive UPT and very soon early pregnancy symptom Q to visit me. I am good in week 6 but start week 7, I start to have nausea, no appetite, tasteless and etc! I can't have plain water, only milo and ribena can quench my thirst! I went visit doc on week 6, doctor was using virgina scan method to scan for me as he can't get to see the sac with normal scan. Luckily, virgina scan able to catch the little beans and doc showed me something called "egg yolk". What makes me worry is, doc said: I am a bit disappointed as I cant see the fetus pole yet! OMG, I was like harrr?? What he mean? Har??? Maybe is empty sac? He asked to go bck to see him after 2 weeks. 2 weeks for me equal to 2 yrs! Yeah, I went back on week 8, normal scan can see the bean and the little fetus pole! He showed me and say, see... is ur baby^^ What's the truth is, my tears almost drop and I do believe tat, I am pregnant!
Maternal check up again on week 12, to scan fetus's neck thickness, heartbeat, heart and brain. Again, I am so excited to see my bb moving and moving inside, turning and turning non stop! Baby is active and healthy! Mum helped me to video everything and now I will keep repeating it when I am free.
Thanks god for sending me the precious one during my school holiday else... I gonna resign caused of my pregnancy sickness. But bless that I am getting good and no more vomit! Seems tat pregnancy ain't the easy "road" to walk. NOt to forget mention, my weight drop 4kg in 3 months time! Scary....
Friday, August 24, 2012
爸爸養的燕子,要說每天吃,都有可是問題是:選鳥毛!這是最折磨的事情!可是,唯有自己選才能吃到純正不加工的燕窩!沒有漂白,沒有加料,純正的燕窩 =D 現在的人,如果能都是買些直接摘下的燕,不再買弄好,一顆顆裝在盒子裡的燕了。 可是不同人有不同想法,這純碎是我小小的意見^^
用了1小時的時間,只選到那麼的多 ;)
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Royal Jelly With Honey
Awwww岁月不留人,我开始怕老了。害怕脸上会出现皱纹,会出现雀斑!!!一直以来都很懒惰做保养的我,现在开始慌了。 我没有很名贵的洗脸霜因为我懒,我不敷面膜也是因为我懒,我出去不搽防晒因为我懒,甚至大热天出街的我穿上清凉的服装也从不带任何保养品的我,感觉上实在太懒了。正所谓,天下没有丑女人只有懒女人!
一直那么懒的我,今天终于开始感觉到害怕了。 我认为要保养也是应该从内在开始,而不是单单专注于外层。
我上网查了好久,才让我发现原来Royal Jelly是个宝!以前妈妈吃的时候,要我吃我当它是草,丢在一边从不抛个媚眼看看。
决定买来试试看,天然raw的Royal Jelly. 昨晚尝试了第一口,感觉如何?超难吃!!!可是我还是会坚持,为了皮护,为了保养,我忍!不只是Royal Jelly,我也学习喝十谷米饮料!刚开始1个星期了,感觉? 上大号顺畅了!哈哈哈!上大号顺畅,皮护也会自然美,对吗?
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Our Life
Ok, I prefer to type in mandarin but I can't. Just because I have a banana in my house and he is so kepo with my daily activities. If I insist to type in Mandarin and he will use google translation to agak-agak what I typed here!
huuu,its been a long time I didn't log on my blogger account and now, I have problem in squeezing my activities in a paragraph.
Nowadays, we spend every weekend on food and traveling around. Holidays is coming soon and still don't have any plan yet... just because of his work.
We are planning to have a short break in Singapore but I keep delaying him to book everything as I am really lazy to have a long journey on road!
Here to share some pictures ^^
Cameron Highlands 3 weeks back!
The lovely strawberries cake ^^
Hokkaido Ichiba, The Garden.
Our MUST EAT DESSERTS !! Snowflakes!
Even at home, we did this !!!We are so crazy in foods! We are lazy to dining outside after work so... delivery will do!!! Waffle is my favourite and I even able to bring back a mini waffle machine to bake my own waffle !!! =D
After foods, is all about healthy checkup! Tada.... Blood test continuously in two weeks time!!! =D
Am I look fat after those foods? Let you judge ^^
Thursday, July 5, 2012
I got my awards !!!

Friday, June 22, 2012
Hello Kitty
I just feel that kids nowadays are too 好命!No wonder most of the family choose to have only one kid or the most also TWO! They told me they want to give the best to their child. No wonder our school pupils' rate getting less.
A 3 years old little girl deserved a Hello Kitty cake from her parents !! Remember in my age, I had nothing. Hahahaha, this not resembled that I had a bad parents but then just that in my age having a great birthday cake is not a trend yet ^^

Left the whiskers! I forgot to take picture again after I placed it ︿︿

Left the whiskers! I forgot to take picture again after I placed it ︿︿
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Mille Crepe
I spent whole day in my kitchen. Frankly I never eat Mille Crepe, I never see it in real, I never bake it as well. I wana try this long long time ago just that I can't move without motive. So, father's day.. I decide to make this.
End up 6 hours to complete it! And here are some photo to share with you :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012
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